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Steps in creating a new MVC application
- Authors
- Name
- Mike Barram
- Create the database
- Create the project/solution in Visual Studio
- don’t give the project the same name (in the same case) as one of the tables or the compiler will become confused between types and namespaces
- choose MVC and optionally Web API and unit tests
- leave authentication as Individual User Accounts
- Create an application in IIS that points to the project
- Change the Web properties for the project to use Local IIS
- Update all Nuget packages in all projects in the solution
- Add the CAS Nuget package
- Update the web.config
- configuration/system.web/authentication/forms
- configuration/casClientConfig
- AppStart\FilterConfig.cs – add filters.Add(new System.Web.Mvc.AuthorizeAttribute());
- Edit Controllers\AccountController.cs – mostly copy from existing applications
- Add Session_Start to global.asax.cs
- Create Views\Shared\NotAuthorised.cshtml
- Create Role Provider if needed
- Update the web.config
- Web.config
- Add
<pages controlRenderingCompatibilityVersion=”4.0″ />
to System.Web
- Add
- Add Nuget TinyMCE.JQuery
See https://mikebarram.wordpress.com/2014/03/18/adding-wysiyyg-editors-to-text-fields-in-mvc/
Create folder Views\Shared\EditorTemplates
Create 1 line template file WYSIWYG.cshtml
@Html.TextArea(“”, new { @class = “wysiwyg” })
Create a bundle for TinyMCE in App_Start\BundleConfig.cs
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/tinymce").Include( "~/Scripts/tinymce/tinymce.min.js"));
- Add favicon.ico to root
- Add logo.png and user.png to Content (remember to include them in the project)
- Update Content\site.css from an application that the new project should look like
- Create your data model
- Don’t copy the connection string from another project as that will contain the details of the model in that project. Instead, create a new connection string for your model (you can copy the details of the server from an old connection string)
- When editing the entity model diagram, you can change the Entity Container Name to something more friendly and that will change the name of the connection string in the web.config
- If a connection string called “DefaultConnection” has been created in the web.config, you will want to update Models\IdentityModels.cs to use your main connection string instead of that one – this will be the connection string that you have just set the name of in the step above.
- Start creating controllers and views…
- Auditing – if you want to automatically set the values in certain fields if they have set names (e.g. createddate):
- Create a folder called Helpers
- Create a partial class that overrides the SaveChanges() method of the entities (copy and modify from existing project). Method is loosely based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7641552/overriding-savechanges-and-setting-modifieddate-but-how-do-i-set-modifiedby